54B, Tailstoi Town 5238 MT, La city, IA 522364
Doxwell & Rehabilitation Clinic focuses on maintaining health for people of all ages, helping patients pain and prevent disease.
54B, Tailstoi Town 5238 MT, La city, IA 522364
Working Hrs : 9.30am to 6.30pm
Peptides are short-term injectables that can benefit your body’s healing on an often-permanent basis.
While there are many peptides at Vitality Health South Florida, we choose to offer the peptides we have seen patients receive the greatest benefits from and that have been studied, tested, and backed by scientific research.
Thymosin Beta are peptide is created from Thymosin beta 4. It is a cell-building protein that is essential in forming cellular structures when repairing and regenerating damaged tissue. Thymosin beta 4 is found in elevated concentrations in areas where tissue has been damaged. The ability to heal has been observed during studies in damaged areas of ligaments, muscles, skin, eyes, tendons, and even in the heart. Their name is derived from the gland of which it is secreted – The Thymus gland. Your Thymus gland naturally produces cells that support immune system function. Having a strong immune system is what allows you to heal.
Individuals interested in speeding their recovery from injury or surgery should consider Thymosin Beta. This peptide has become well-known among athletes and non-professional competitors for its miraculous healing properties.
Thymosin Beta helps to reduce pain levels, decrease inflammation, and improve mobility for those who are plagued with arthritis or other inflammatory conditions. Thymosin Beta helps to support the creation of new blood cells that carry nutrients and healing substances to damaged locations while the potent anti-inflammatory properties greatly decrease inflammation for acute and chronic pain. Many individuals find that a small maintenance dose of Thymosin Beta is more effective at reducing pain and inflammation than traditional over-the-counter pain medications.
There is a strong and growing body of evidence that suggests that Thymosin Beta is highly effective at treating and preventing the relapse of various autoimmune diseases. Thymosin Beta comes into play with autoimmune diseases because unregulated immune cells attack the body’s healthy cells. This results in inflammation of both tissue and joints. Thymosin Beta helps to modulate the activity of immune cells in these patients and thus alters the severity of this disease.
If you have lived with soft tissue damage due to accident or injury BCP 157 Arginate has shown significant healing capabilities in soft tissues in all locations throughout the body. BPC stands for Body Protection Compound. It has been shown over the past two decades to be extremely effective in the acceleration of injury healing when it comes to bones, ligaments, soft tissue, and tendons. BCP-157 Arginate has also been used to treat IBS, leaky gut, Crohn’s disease, arthritis, ulcers, and other inflammatory conditions.
Don’t resign yourself to living with pain or discomfort from an injury. BPC-157 Arginate can help speed up the healing process. Along with that, this peptide is also great for those looking to build strength and improve muscular development. BCP-157 Arginate can increase your workouts while decreasing the needed recovery time between sessions.
Research on BPC-157 Arginate has been ongoing since 1991 and results thereof indicate that the peptide has the ability to repair damaged teeth, bones, muscles, tendons, and even intestines. This data is based on in-vitro lab tests as well as in-vivo studies conducted on both rodents and humans. Some of the human trials involved injecting the peptide under the skin (subcutaneously) and into the muscles (intramuscularly).
1. Heals tendons and bones in a way that rivals conventional surgical methods
2. Stimulates the healing of the bones and ligaments by promoting improved cell survival and cell migration. These results are based on rodent research on mice that were affected by an Achilles tendon rupture. The mice had the peptide administered to them through drinking water.
3. It has the ability to offset the gut-damaging effects that you get from taking NSAIDs like Advil and Ibuprofen. Scientists were so amazed at the results that they called BPC-157 an antidote to NSAIDs.
4. Mice with inflammatory bowel disease healed within days of orally ingesting the peptide.
5. It has been shown to heal periodontitis in mice. In fact, BPC-157 is so effective at healing this condition that scientists are considering the possibility of making it a viable treatment for it.
6. It healed and reversed systemic corticosteroid-impaired muscle healing in mice. These results happened after the mice took one dosage of the peptide per day for 14 days.
7. It fast-tracked the healing of segmental bone defects in rabbits.
Read more on SuppVersity
Scientists recognize BPC-157 Arginate as a “stable gastric pentadecapeptide”, due to its ability to bring equilibrium to human gastric juice. It has also been shown to treat ulcers, heal inflammatory bowel disease as well as the upper and lower GI tract with remarkable efficiency.
The above mentioned studies all indicate that BPC-157 Arginate works great when it comes to fast-tracking wound healing. Through its positive interaction with the Nitric Oxide (NO) system, BPC-157 Arginate helps heal wounds by building up the blood vessels and protecting the endothelial tissue. It also promotes gene expression while specifically targeting genes that are responsible for collagen formation, generation of growth factors, and cytokine. It can also heal intestinal anastomosis and short bowel syndrome. All of the abovementioned conditions are known to affect sufferers of bowel inflammation, diarrhea, constipation, and gut pain. These positive effects have been observed even in conditions that have reached advanced stages
Whether you are living with chronic pain, inflammation, injury, recovering from a surgery or accident, or have an illness such as IBS, leaky gut, Crohn’s Disease, ulcers, or have taken too many NSAD pain relievers over the years, or are looking for an alternative to taking them for relief now – Peptides could very well be your answer.
The healing properties of this amazing peptide are so incredible that they are used by physicians to treat traumatic brain injury, cardiac damage, and even spinal cord injuries. Due to its massive healing qualities, it is no wonder it is sought after by those who have suffered injuries to hurry the natural healing process.
Ready To Get Started With Peptide Therapy?
Suffer no longer. The Vitality Health Team is fully committed to making sure you have a memorable life-changing positive experience with us. Whether treating a chronic condition or optimizing health, most patients can benefit from peptide therapy. We will gladly answer your questions, take our time and help you determine if this is the right treatment for you! Now offering treatment services in Naples, Fort Myers, Bonita Springs, Cape Coral (All SWFL), Miami, Tampa, Fort Lauderdale and Orlando, Florida including all throughout the United States.
Phone: 1-833-4LOWTEE
Email: info@vitalityhealthsfl.com