54B, Tailstoi Town 5238 MT, La city, IA 522364
Doxwell & Rehabilitation Clinic focuses on maintaining health for people of all ages, helping patients pain and prevent disease.
54B, Tailstoi Town 5238 MT, La city, IA 522364
Working Hrs : 9.30am to 6.30pm
Lack of amino acid levels may have an impact on the capabilities of your neurotransmitters in the brain causing non normalized brain function. It can present in several ways including:
Amino acids are the building blocks that proteins use to rebuild the body as well as add new muscle. During our lifecycle and natural aging process, amino acids and other vitamins and nutrients decline and we need supplementation to restore us back to optional levels.
During this specialized treatment, the goal is to restore balance to the brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) in order to boost wellness and health.
To obtain the best results possible we, here at Vitality Health, incorporate this very effective and safe treatment with a customized urinalysis test which provides an accurate measure of excretory values on neurotransmitters in the body. These findings allow us to individualize an amino acid supplementation regimen which is formulated by our experts to help bolster the ratio and quality of the neurotransmitters in the brain.
Glutamine is needed to removing excess ammonia (a common bodily waste product). Additionally, it helps your immune system function and appears to be needed for normal brain function and digestion. It works wonders for muscle recovery after workout or injury.
Isoleucine is an essential amino acid that assists in the utilization of ketone bodies and fatty acids. This boosts the process of fat mobilization. A deficiency in Isoleucine can stall weight loss and even cause cerebral dysfunction.
L-Arginine is an amino acid, converts into nitric oxide which is a vasodilator increasing the blood flow to your organs and muscles. Several studies have shown that injectable arginine can boost growth hormone levels. It can also increase physical performance in a manner similar to viagra.
L-carnitine plays a crucial role in energy production from long-chain fatty acids. It increases the activity of certain nerve cells in the central nervous system. It is naturally found in nearly every cell.
L-Citrulline promotes cardiovascular health and helps with sports performance.
L-Proline is a non-essential amino acid that is synthesized from glutamic acid. It is an essential component of collagen and is important for the proper functioning of tendons and joints.
Leucine is an essential amino acid. Leucine is used as a dietary supplement. It has been found to slow the breakdown of muscle tissue by increasing the synthesis of muscle proteins. It cannot be produced naturally in the body.
Works as an antioxidant through a conversion process to L-Cysteine to help neutralize toxins. It acts as a lipotropic agent to help speed up fat removal through the liver.
NAC or N-acetyl cysteine comes from the amino acid L-cysteine. N-acetyl cysteine is also used for protection against environmental pollutants, for reducing the toxicity of drugs that are used for cancer treatment, as a hangover cure, for preventing kidney damage due to X-ray dye, and for those with HIV.
Ornithine holds an anti-fatigue effect. It is widely used as a nutritional supplement for chronic fatigue.
Taurine is part of the normal human diet and contains sulfur. It helps in many bodily processes such as eyesight preservation, nerve cell activity, and detoxification.
Valine is a branch chain amino acid which can be broken down and used as fuel in the form of glycogen.
Thiamine has an important role in many body functions, including muscle function and nervous system function, the regulation of electrolytes in and out of muscle and nerve cells, digestion, and even carbohydrate metabolism.
B2 is widely recognized for promoting healthy reproductive function, raising energy levels, boosting immune system function, maintaining healthy hair, skin, mucous membranes, and nails, slowing aging, and even for boosting athletic performance.
B3 is very effective and deemed relatively safe for the treatment of high cholesterol. Some scientific evidence also points to niacin helping with heart disease including clogged arteries.
(Dexpanthenol) is crucial to the making of new red blood cells, as well as stress-related hormones produced by the adrenal glands. B5 is also important in maintaining a healthy digestive tract, helps the body use other vitamins, and synthesizes cholesterol.
is a water-soluble vitamin. Vitamin B6 is critical for protein metabolism, energy production, and normal nervous system function. It is involved in nearly 60 enzyme systems in the body, necessary for normal growth, red blood cell synthesis, and vitamin B12 absorption.
Inositol is known for its ability to quell stress and anxiety.
This is the man-made form of Vitamin B-12. Vitamin B12 is important for normal blood, cells, and nerves. It helps your body burn fat and carbohydrates for fuel and make new protein. B12 is a vital water-soluble nutrient critical for maintaining normal functioning nerve cells.
D3 is very helpful in boosting weight loss when following a low-calorie diet program. It is crucial for the absorption of phosphorus and calcium and the maintenance of healthy bones. Additionally, it has shown to increase the acuity of mental function.
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is a critical coenzyme found in every cell of your body, and it’s involved in hundreds of metabolic processes.
Ready To Get Started With Injectable Vitamin & Amino Acid Therapy?
Suffer no longer. The Vitality Health Team is fully committed to making sure you have a memorable life-changing positive experience with us. Whether treating a chronic condition or optimizing health, most patients can benefit from amino acid therapy. We will gladly answer your questions, take our time and help you determine if this is the right treatment for you! schedule your consultation today
Phone: 1-833-4LOWTEE
Email: info@vitalityhealthsfl.com