The P Shot PRP therapy for Erectile Dysfunction Vitality health Sfl

25 Mar. 2024

Men are Raving About the Results from the PRP Penile Injection

If you are a man, you know that difficulty achieving or maintaining a solid erection can hurt your self-esteem. Many men have this issue and also may worry about size, curvature, shape, width, and ability to perform. It can hinder not only the way they view themselves but can cause damage to romantic relationships.

The PRP Shot (also sometimes referred to as “The P Shot”) is offering hope to men across the globe.

What Does PRP Stand For?

PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma.

What Is Platelet Rich Plasma?
PRP is in the category of regenerative medicine. It is an autologous treatment (which means it comes from your blood). It can stimulate tissue repair as well as spur cellular regeneration. Platelets, when activated, release growth factors and other proteins.

The benefits of PRP were initially seen and used in wound healing, dentistry, and the treatment of sports injuries. It has now evolved to address aesthetic concerns as well as sexual dysfunction (erectile dysfunction and Peyronie’s Disease for men). PRP is one of the most advanced, effective natural treatments on the market for cellular repair as well as rejuvenation.

The Benefits of Using PRP for The P Shot

  • – Easier to achieve and maintain an erection
  • – Increased penile length
  • – Increased sexual stamina
  • – Increased penile girth
  • – Improvement in or resolution of penile curvature from Peyronie’s Disease
  • – Resolution of pain with erection
  • – Increased sensation in the penis
  • – Better overall circulation to the penis

Is the P-Shot® the Same Thing as Trimix Injections?

They are not the same. TriMix is a shot used to produce an erection and must be administered every time you wish to have an erection. The P-Shot® is a treatment that revives your natural ability to get and maintain erections.

How Does it Work?
The growth factors & proteins released by the high concentration of platelets in PRP activate stem cells stimulating cellular regeneration. In turn, collagen production and the formation of new blood vessels occur which stimulates tissue repair.

Where does the plasma come from?
A small amount of blood is drawn in our office at the time of the procedure. Your blood is then spun in a centrifuge, separating the platelets and plasma. The platelets are then isolated and injected back into the body wherever their benefits are needed.

Is the P-Shot Painful?
This is the most frequently asked question: Along with numbing cream on the skin, a block is performed on the penis, so there is no pain.

How Long Does PRP Take to Perform?
The PRP injection is performed in our office. A session should run about 60 minutes from start to finish but we do usually allow a little extra time. You may drive yourself home after the procedure.

What Are the Potential Side Effects?

Since PRP is extracted from your blood, there are few and only minor potential side effects. These include minor bleeding or bruising, swelling, and very rarely infection.

If you have been dealing with a lackluster sex life and are ready for an all-natural treatment that will turn things around, we invite you to talk with us at Vitality Health of South Florida. We offer the P-Shot right here in Southwest Florida – Naples, Cape Coral, Fort Myers, and Bonita Springs!  The results we are seeing are staggering and the comment we hear the most is “I wish I had known this was an option sooner!”

Visit to learn more about the the services we offer at Vitality Health SFL and how we can help you lose weight, give a boost to your workouts, your sex lives, as well as daily quality of life.
Give us a call at 1-833-4LOWTEE to schedule your consultation with Dr. Zughbi.

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FDA Disclaimer: This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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