Vibrant Health, Redefining the Meaning of Wealth - A Look at The Top Ways to Boost Your Health in 2024

15 Mar. 2024

Vibrant Health, Redefining the Meaning of Wealth – A Look at The Top Ways to Boost Your Health in 2024

Vibrant Health, Redefining the Meaning of Wealth – A Look at The Top Ways to Boost Your Health in 2024

If you are keeping an eye on the news in 2024 you may have noticed that more and more stories are being produced concerning health and wellness. This is with not so much a focus on health itself but rather a lack thereof.

The Alarming Statistics

As a nation, we are collectively seeing more and more illness and obesity across the board. Incidences of cancer and heart disease are rising steadily with the United Nations predicting that by 2050 cancer cases will rise by a whopping 77%. Deaths from heart disease are up nearly 10% since 2020.

When it comes to obesity, according to the CDC 41% of Americans fall into the category of Obese. 7.7% are morbidly obese, and another 31.6% are overweight. That leaves only 19.7% of the country at a healthy weight level.

We are going in the wrong direction…

Ask anyone who has dealt with a serious illness how important health is and they will all tell you the same thing. “Without your health, you have nothing.” – Health truly is the new most important form of wealth in 2024.

It’s one thing to collectively look at stats – it’s another to hear them and acknowledge that each of us has a role to play in this. We all must take personal responsibility for our health and well-being.

How do we do that?

Here are some tips to get your health on track and keep it there.

  1. Drink enough water! Pure clean filtered water, not distilled (as it seeks to be complete and draws minerals from your body to do so), not tap water (these days it isn’t known for its safety). Hydration helps your entire body run properly and dehydration can cause issues.
  2. Get plenty of Sleep – Never underestimate the power of good sleep. During sleep, your body heals and repairs. You need rest.
  3. Move – Find some form of exercise you like and stick to it. Moving your body – stretching, walking, running, swimming, getting your heart rate up, and doing some weight-bearing exercises will do you a world of good, especially as you age.
  4. Balance Your Hormones and Supplement Properly – as we age our hormone levels begin to drop and fluctuate. It can cause a range of symptoms from mood swings to headaches, hot flashes in women, loss of muscle, difficulty gaining new muscle for both men and women and even a low libido and loss of interest in sex. The good news is that all of these things can be managed and even reversed.
  5. Laugh, live, and love – mental and emotional health intertwine with the physical. Don’t get so wrapped up in work or problems that you forget to enjoy life and the people you love who are in it.
  6. Maintain a Healthy Weight – Body positivity is wonderful. Love yourself always as you are, but carrying around excess weight isn’t just an aesthetic choice. Medically it puts pressure on every organ and bone in your body. Obesity greatly increases your risk of heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, stroke, and heart attack. It is also hard on your joints causing issues with knees, ankles, and hips.

Vitality Health is here to partner with you in this venture as well and offers guidance and support throughout your health journey.  We are here for you for hormone rebalancing as we offer both HRT and TRT, and we are an industry leader in medical weight loss! No matter what your health goals are, talk with us. We create customized health protocols for each and every patient.

Give us a call at 1-833-4LOWTEE to schedule your consultation with Dr. Zughbi.

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FDA Disclaimer: This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



Cancer Rate Set to Rise by 77% By 2050,growing%20burden%20of%20the%20disease



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