Get Your libido humming again ladies Vitality Health South Florida HRT hormone testing BHRT

01 Mar. 2024

Ladies, Get Your Libido Humming Again!

Ladies, Get Your Libido Humming Again!

It’s easy to think “Well, I’m in my 40s, 50s, 60s, or beyond – I guess that time is just over for me…” and while the truth is that yes, we may be nearing the end or already at the end of our childbearing years that does not have to mean that it’s the end of our intimate lives or that sexual desire should be a thing of the past.

The reason for the dip in libido many women experience is based on hormonal drops and fluctuations.

This is easily corrected with a simple blood test to check levels and then by prescribing supplemental hormones such as testosterone, estrogen, estradiol, and or progesterone. While the results are not instant, given 1 to 3 months on the hormone replacement program the majority of women report feeling more energetic, stronger, and having a rekindled interest in sex. Many comment that sexual satisfaction is also greatly increased!

Benefits of BRHT (Bioidentical Hormone Therapy)

  • Stronger sex drive
  • Better mental clarity
  • Decreased symptoms of anxiety and depression
  • Increased feeling of wellbeing
  • Improved ability to lose fat
  • Becomes easier to build muscle
  • Thicker hair growth
  • Healthier skin
  • Reduced bloating

    HRT & Menopause

Menopause is a profound hormonal transition that can bring a variety of unwelcomed symptoms, from hot flashes to mood swings. BRHT during menopause aims to provide a gentle yet effective means of managing these symptoms, potentially reducing the risk of osteoporosis and other menopause-related conditions.


Customized Care: The Art of Tailored Hormone Therapy

One of the most lauded aspects of Bioidentical Hormone Therapy is its potential for customization. Unlike one-size-fits-all commercial hormone replacement products, bioidentical hormones can be tailored to match your unique hormone needs, potentially offering more precise relief from symptoms. At Vitality Health of South Florida, we work directly with a compounding pharmacy.

Ready to Feel Like Yourself Again?

Visit to learn more about the the services we offer at Vitality Health SFL and how we can give a boost to your workouts, sex lives, as well as daily quality of life.
Give us a call at 1-833-4LOWTEE to schedule your consultation with Dr. Zughbi.

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FDA Disclaimer: This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.






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