The importance of stimulating natural testosterone while on TRT- Vitality Health SFL

15 Oct. 2023

The Importance of Stimulating Your Natural Testosterone, While Being on Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

Men, if you’re currently on testosterone replacement therapy, TRT, and not stimulating your natural testosterone simultaneously you are putting yourself at a disadvantage!

After being on TRT for a period of time, the natural response for your testes is to pause and stop producing testosterone. The problem here is that the body likes homeostasis and consistency. While being on TRT, with your natural testosterone suppressed, the natural balance of the body can be thrown off and many men will report that their program begins to feel stale, dull and notice a regression in many of the benefits. This, along with other counterproductive side effects can all be avoided, if stimulating your natural testosterone properly while on a TRT program.


Other important factors to consider:


Testicular shrinkage: While being on testosterone some men report having testicular shrinkage. By stimulating your natural testosterone at the same time, you can prevent testicular shrinkage from occurring.


Fertility: When your natural testosterone is suppressed, your sperm count is also reduced. By stimulating your natural testosterone, you have the ability to maintain natural testosterone and sperm production, while being on your existing program.


Dependency: Many men may be prescribed a testosterone program with no break or end in sight. After a period of time, of the testicles being suppressed, it can become very difficult for the body to initiate its testosterone production once again. Many of these men who are prescribed testosterone for longer periods of time might find that their natural system has deteriorated and have become dependent and have become dependent on the testosterone hormone as a result. By stimulating your natural testosterone simultaneously, this degradation of the natural testosterone system and testes can be prevented.


Balance: Most men report that while stimulating their natural testosterone, and being on testosterone therapy at the same time, they have never felt their best. This allows these men to have the best of both worlds and can utilize in their natural testosterone and the exogenous testosterone that’s being introduced to their system.


Libido: Most men report having an improved, enhanced sexual libido and performance, if stimulating, their natural testosterone, while being on TRT.


Already on TRT?
If you’re already on an existing testosterone therapy or considering starting and would like more information on how to properly stimulate your natural testosterone while being on testosterone replacement therapy, please contact Vitality Health SFL and we will be happy to help!


It’s always recommended to consult with your qualified healthcare professional before starting any form of hormone replacement therapy.

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