Food and testosterone connection vitality health SFL

28 Aug. 2023

Foods That Lower Testosterone Production

Foods That Lower Testosterone Production

As a man, your hormones play a major role in your sex drive. If you find yourself feeling less than motivated in the bedroom you may first want to check your diet and see if there may be a lurking hidden cause that could be contributing to tanking your testosterone levels.


Testosterone is essential for a men’s health and sense of well-being. Testosterone is considered the male sex hormone, but women also produce and need testosterone. It also plays a vital role in their reproductive and overall health.

Testosterone’s prowess goes beyond boosting your energy and sex drive. It helps your body maintain bone density, muscle mass and supports the production of new red blood cells.

Testosterone production decreases as a man ages. As the decline starts it can lead to a reduced sex drive, erectile difficulty, depressed mood, difficulty maintaining concentration, and poor memory.

What you might not know is that the food you eat could be speeding up this decline.



Excessive intake of soy protein can lead to decreased testosterone/estrogen ratio, due to its high content in phytoestrogen. Phytoestrogen means plant estrogen because they have an estrogen-like action in the body (estrogen is the female sex hormone).

Not only does soy intake affect your hormonal balance, but it also disrupts the production of thyroid hormones. One of the leading causes of low testosterone in men is the suppressed activity of the thyroid.

You may think “I don’t eat tofu…”

You may not be chowing down on tofu, but one of the most common animal feeds used today is partly soy. This means that the soy used to feed the animal is still present in the meat when you consume it.

Many processed foods also add soy as a food additive. If you eat anything that comes in a box or bag, you could be eating soy, and increasing your estrogen, and not even realize it.

Unfortunately, soy is also in the top three of the most common GMO (genetically modified organisms) crops in the US. We don’t yet have enough data to verify the safety of GMOs on our bodies. Many studies are starting to show there is a reason to suspect harm, which is why most modern civilizations, except the US, have outlawed GMO crops.

Stay away from soy altogether if possible, and if you do choose to go for it, then choose organic at the very least, to avoid the GMO’s.

Graham Crackers & Corn Flakes

The intention was to make you feel sluggish and dull. There is no nutritional value in either. The purpose of these two foods was to keep you full and not heat your body.

Any refined carbs will spike insulin, which will reduce your Testosterone levels. The carbs indirectly increase your estrogen levels and decrease your testosterone levels by making you fat and keeping you fat.

Fat cells store estrogen and contain the enzyme aromatase, which converts testosterone into estrogen. Too much estrogen can be an issue. If you take a lot of supplements to increase your testosterone, or even if you take testosterone supplementation directly, you need to watch out for that.

If you notice that your nipples are getting sensitive or that despite the fact that you are using testosterone supplements you aren’t feeling better, then your body is probably not converting testosterone properly.  Pay attention to the signs, and avoid foods that increase aromatase.

Dairy raised with Hormones

For over 20 years, cows have been injected with Bovine growth hormones (Bgh). Those Bgh increase milk production. However, when you drink that milk, it also has a detrimental effect on your hormonal balance.

The long-term effect of prolonged exposure to growth hormones is still mostly unknown, however many scientists outside of the milk industry say that repeated exposure can damage human health.

In the early 2000s, Sato and Davaasambuu published an extensive study on cow milk. The results found that it contains a high quantity of estrogen and progesterone.

Even without consuming the added BGH hormone, the milk you drink is already full of “female” sex hormones. And remember too, that yogurt, ice cream, cheese, and butter are all made with and from milk, and contain hormones.

Beer – Yep, We said it…

This one might come as an unhappy surprise. Have you ever heard of the beer belly joke? Well, the reason beer makes you fat in the belly is because it contains hops and hops is a phytoestrogen (remember the plant estrogen that acts like estrogen in the body), which will hurt a man’s hormonal balance.

Alcohol in general decreases testosterone but beer is one of the worst. And if you don’t believe me, believe this study published on the NCBI, which states that “Alcohol consumption decreased testosterone by 23% for up to 16 hours.”

If you want to increase your testosterone, then decrease the beer, at least on any day you want to have sex!

What You Can Do

Don’t let those foods destroy your testosterone. If you remove these from your diet, it will help lower your estrogen and boost your testosterone levels. In doing so, you will feel younger again and reduce your belly fat.

If your testosterone levels start to go up, guess what… So will your sexual desire and erections.

Knowledge is essential but what you do with this knowledge is power. ACT today and remove these four foods from your diet! Your body will thank you for it.

If after removing these foods from your diet, you still have low testosterone levels it is time to see the specialists at Vitality Health of South Florida.

 What if you have removed all of these things from your diet and still feel lack luster? Come see us! 

Visit to learn more about the practice and the services we offer at Vitality Health SFL in Naples, Fort Myers, Bonita Beach, Miami, and Orlando, Florida. Give us a call at 1-833-4LOWTEE to schedule your consultation with Dr. Zughbi.

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