Testosterone for Women HRT Vitality health SFL

14 Aug. 2023

Testosterone Therapy in Women: Myths and Misconceptions

Testosterone Therapy in Women: Myths and Misconceptions

When most of us hear the word testosterone, we automatically think of men’s health. It is, after all, the primary male hormone. The fact is that women have testosterone naturally as well and over time, with age, that testosterone level can begin to drop. With that drop comes some unwanted physical changes.

It is because of these changes that correlate to unwelcomed symptoms, that HRT, Hormone Replacement Therapy, includes the use of testosterone for women. This is new information for many and the topic is riddled with misinformation and false myths that need to be dispelled. This is the purpose of this article, to put these misconceptions to rest once and for all so that women can be comfortable getting the help they need to rebalance their hormones without fear or doubt.

Myth 1 – Testosterone is a male-only hormone

TRUTH: While it’s true that men have higher levels of testosterone than women, it remains the most abundant hormone throughout the female lifespan. It is equally important for both sexes.

Myth 2 – Testosterone’s Only Role is in Sex Drive and Libido

TRUTH: That is a fraction of the use. Testosterone plays a role in almost all tissue – breast, heart, gastrointestinal, lung, brain, spinal cord, muscle, adipose tissue, bladder, endocrine, the list goes on and on… Testosterone is essential for women’s physical and mental health and well-being.

Myth 3 – Testosterone masculinizes females

TRUTH: Outside of supra-pharmacologic doses of synthetic androgens, testosterone does not have a masculinizing effect on females or female fetuses.

Myth 4 – Testosterone can cause deeper vocal changes in women

TRUTH: This is possible at high doses for long periods of time. It does not occur within the limits of HRT.

Myth 5: Testosterone Supplementation Causes Hair Loss

TRUTH: Much like the last answer, at super high doses it can cause hair loss, but never at the levels used in HRT.

Myth 6 – Testosterone has adverse effects on the heart

TRUTH: There is substantial evidence that testosterone is cardiac protective and that adequate levels decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Myth 7 – Testosterone Supplementation causes liver damage

TRUTH: While high doses of oral synthetic androgens can adversely affect the liver, subcutaneous insertions, and transdermal applications bypass the liver. There are no adverse reactions for the liver or for clotting factors.

Myth 8 – Testosterone Causes Aggressive Behavior

TRUTH: Although anabolic steroids can increase aggression and rage, this does not occur with T therapy.

Myth 9 – Testosterone supplementation increases the risk of breast cancer

TRUTH: Clinical trials in primates and humans have confirmed that Testosterone instead holds a beneficial effect on breast tissue by decreasing breast proliferation. It is the balance of this and estrogen that has been found to be breast tissue protective.

Myth 10 – Safe Usage of Testosterone in Women has not been established.

TRUTH: The safety of non-oral testosterone therapy in women is well established, including long-term follow-up.

Male or Female, testosterone is an important hormone that needs to remain in balance within the body throughout a lifetime. With age comes a natural decline in both sexes. That decline can be remedied and supplemented to achieve optimal health. Talk with us here at Vitality Health of South Florida. We are the hormone experts.

Visit www.vitalityhealthsfl.com to learn more about the practice and the services we offer at Vitality Health SFL in Naples, Fort Myers, Bonita Beach, Miami, and Orlando, Florida. Give us a call at 1-833-4LOWTEE to schedule your consultation with Dr. Zughbi.

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