The Benefits of Glutamine L-Glutamine Vitality health sfl

20 Jul. 2023

The Benefits of Glutamine Supplementation

The Benefits of Glutamine Supplementation

Research on the natural amino acid L-Glutamine is solidifying its position in achieving optimal health and performance outcomes. In this post, we’ll delve into what glutamine is exactly, some of the medical uses for it, and how including it in your dietary routine could be just the muscle-building, recovery-supporting tool that your body needs!

What is Glutamine and why should you consider it as a supplement

Glutamine is essential in the production of proteins, helps support the immune system, and aids in proper digestion. Additionally, glutamine strengthens intestinal walls and is responsible for maintaining healthy muscles.


Although our bodies naturally produce glutamine, intense physical activity or injury can deplete our stores, leading to a variety of health issues. To combat this, many choose to supplement with glutamine.

How does Glutamine work and how can it help your body

We are often asked about supplements that can help improve overall health and athletic performance. One supplement that has gained popularity in recent years is glutamine. Glutamine is an amino acid that is naturally produced in the body and is involved in a variety of processes such as protein synthesis and immune system function.


Supplementing with glutamine can potentially provide benefits such as faster recovery after exercise, improved immune function, and increased muscle mass.

The Benefits of Glutamine

By increasing Glutamine levels, you can reduce muscle breakdown and improve protein metabolism, making it a great addition to your supplement regimen.

The importance of Amino acids

These molecules act as the building blocks for proteins, which are essential for our bodily functions. Glutamine is a powerhouse amino acid involved in various bodily processes, from regulating the immune system to maintaining muscle mass. In fact, glutamine is one of the most abundant amino acids found in the body and can be synthesized by our own cells.

Potential safety considerations

Glutamine is generally regarded as safe, however, excessive amounts can cause stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting. It’s vital to follow the recommended dosage. Those with liver or kidney disease should avoid taking Glutamine supplements altogether.

When to consider Glutamine injections instead of oral supplements to treat certain medical conditions or alleviate chemotherapy side effects

While many individuals opt for oral supplements to ensure they have a healthy dose of the amino acid, sometimes injections might be a better alternative. This is especially true for those who are struggling with certain medical conditions.


Injections can help deliver a more concentrated dose of glutamine, which can be beneficial for those dealing with more severe symptoms. As with any medical treatment, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional to assess whether injections are the right choice for you.


Glutamine injections have shown potential benefits in several areas.


They can help muscle recovery after hard workouts, and reduce the recovery time for wounds and burns. L-glutamine has also demonstrated potential for improving symptoms of conditions like leaky gut, irritable bowel syndrome, and ulcers.


Additionally, as a precursor to glutamate, glutamine could have positive effects on brain-related issues such as Reye’s Syndrome, epilepsy, anxiety, depression, and addiction. Some studies suggest that l-glutamine may aid in losing and maintaining a healthy body weight by supporting metabolism and reducing muscle wasting.


Interested in Knowing More or Ready to get started?

If you suspect you may benefit from L-Glutamine, other amino acids, vitamins, or treatments we offer, please visit to learn more about the practice and the services we offer at Vitality Health SFL in Naples, Fort Myers, Bonita Beach, Miami, and Orlando, Florida.

Give us a call at 1-833-4LOWTEE to schedule your consultation with Dr. Zughbi.

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